PLCN: Fewer Recordings of Illegal Logging in Prey Lang

PLCN on patrol
New data from the Prey Lang Community Network suggests that there might be fewer illegal logging activities in Prey Lang. From August 2016 to February 2017, PLCN recorded 65 percent less illegal activities in Prey Lang, than in the same period last year.
However, illegal logging activities in Prey Lang have not completely ceased: PLCN recorded in average 72 illegal logging activities each month.
This data is presented in PLCN’s latest report on illegal logging in the Prey Lang forest. The report analyzes data collected by the network with smartphones in the specially designed Prey Lang app between August 2016 and February 2017.
PLCN improves data gathering
The report also shows, how PLCN has improved their abilities to collect data not only on illegal activities, but also on how the forest is a valuable natural resource for the communities living around Prey Lang. Out of a little more than a thousand data entries registered in the Prey Lang app, 52 percent of the entries were categorized as natural resources such as animals, medicinal plants and rare tree species. Illegal logging activities, such as transport of illegal wood, meetings with illegal loggers and stumps of valuable trees found in the forest, accounted for 41 percent of the data entries.
The report also states, that PLCN members now collect data on Prey Lang more effectively. When PLCN started to use the Prey Lang app to monitor the forest in 2015, only 145 data entries per month were validated. Now, 235 entries are validated each month.
Illegal logging in Prey Lang continues
Despite these positive results, PLCN’s findings of an average of 72 illegal logging activities monthly clearly show that illegal logging continues in Prey Lang. In the report, PLCN therefore states the following:
“We, Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN), would like to express our deep concerns at the ongoing illegal logging in Prey Lang, despite the designation of Prey Lang as a Wildlife Sanctuary. We monitor the forest on a regular basis and collect information on illegal activities. We have noticed that illegal logging has decreased in the past months but we are still encountering many illegal loggers when conducting patrols in Prey Lang.
PLCN therefore strongly encourages the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to ensure that no further illegal logging takes place in the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary.”

Cleared area on Prey Lang
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