Alexander Soros Foundation
Mr. Soros is currently at work on his PhD thesis work of history and philosophy entitled Jewish Dionysus: Heine, Nietzsche and the Politics of Literature. He is also Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and the Humanities at Bard University, and is presenting a series of lectures on Heine at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM) in Vienna, Austria.
Mr. Soros sits on the boards of Bend the Arc, which supports grassroots efforts to strengthen lower-income neighborhoods across the United States; Global Witness, which exposes and breaks the links between natural resources, conflict and corruption; the Gordon Parks Foundation, which permanently preserves the work of photographer Gordon Parks and supports educational and artistic activities aligned with Mr. Parks’ values; and the Open Society Foundations, which work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies. His op-eds have appeared in The Sun-Sentinel, Reuters, Thomson Reuters Foundation’s, The Miami Herald, Politico and The Guardian.
Mr. Soros is the founder of The Alexander Soros Foundation, an organization promoting civil rights, social justice and education by making grants to cutting-edge organizations in the United States and abroad. Media coverage about ASF has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, Forbes, Reuters, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Inside Philanthropy, The Forward, New York 1 and elsewhere.